Friday, April 03, 2009

New York Adventure - The City Bakery, Chelsea

If you want to have the most amazing mac 'n' cheese then the City Bakery is the place to go.

The City Baker has an industrial feel to it; it's very open, and has plenty of space for you to sit down. This self-serve eatery is very popular and offers a wide range of food; you know you're visiting a good place to eat when the majority of customers are from New York. From fresh salads, to hot soup, there is definitely something for everyone.

I had the macaroni cheese (which one reviewer claimed to be better than mom would make). Sadly my 'mom' has never made it for me, but I can safely say that it was pure heaven. The cheese was strong enough to give a pleasant tingle at the back of my jaw, and the consistency of the sauce and noodles (pasta) were smooth and not slimy.

My friend had the nacho soup, which came with lime, sour cream and nachos (of course). It was very rich and comforting and could quite easily be a fantastic base for a chili.

To drink I chose Boylan's Black Cherry soda and is now my new addiction. It smells of bakewell tarts and just tastes heavenly with an almost herb-like after-taste.

If there is one place you are going to eat in Chelsea it's the City Bakery, it's fast and satisfying - just remember they charge you by the weight of your food, so chose wisely (that means no heave potatoes!). It's easy to get carried away and pile your box high with everything.

Average price per diner: $15 - you don't have to tip as you serve yourself, but if you are as blown over by the mac 'n' cheese as I was you might want to throw in a few bucks.
City Bakery is at 3 West 18th Street, between 5th and 6th.

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